Transforming drug discovery with deep learning imputation
In European Biopharmaceutical Review, Optibrium’s CEO Dr Matthew Segall discusses how we can elevate drug discovery with deep learning imputation. He shares…
In European Biopharmaceutical Review, Optibrium’s CEO Dr Matthew Segall discusses how we can elevate drug discovery with deep learning imputation. He shares…
Now, watch Matt Segall, PhD, CEO at Optibrium, as he introduces a real world case study where we applied deep learning to guide a project, in which potential compounds were displaying good activity profiles but the team wanted to improve their PK profile to achieve better efficacy.
In the face of growing agrochemical resistance and increasingly stringent regulatory requirements, how can artificial intelligence (AI) be harnessed to help lower the costs, failure rates and timelines associated with current agrochemical development cycles?
In this webinar, learn about Cerella’s unique AI methods, see examples of its successful application throughout the drug discovery process and watch a demonstration of how CDD Vault and Cerella connect to seamlessly integrate with your workflows.
In this webinar, we examine the effective use of QSAR modelling in drug discovery and discuss a variety of pain points for medicinal chemists in knowing when a model can be trusted and how to avoid common pitfalls.
In this webinar, Jeff Blaney (Senior Director of Discovery Chemistry, Genentech), Darren Green (Head of Cheminformatics & Data Science, GlaxoSmithKline), Julian Levell (Head of Discovery, New Equilibrium Biosciences), Matthew Segall (CEO, Optibrium) discuss the state of AI in early drug discovery from hit to preclinical candidate and share their experiences with and expectations of AI, including predictive modelling, synthesis prediction, and generative chemistry. Hear about the successes of AI drug discovery and an outlook on what AI needs to achieve to really transform the industry.
In this webinar, we explore the highlights of collaborative project results that demonstrate how every phase of the drug discovery process can be radically improved by applying proven AI technology. Providing scientists with insights on which to base decisions can identify valuable new opportunities and reduce the time and cost of AI drug discovery cycles.
We review case studies from collaborations with Constellation Pharmaceuticals, AstraZeneca, Genentech, the University of Dundee and Takeda Pharmaceuticals to validate the impact of applying AI to experimental data and illustrate dramatic improvements to their project outcomes.
Join Samar Mahmoud and Matt Segall for this fascinating deep dive into the revolution that AI is bringing to the challenges of sparse and noisy drug discovery data.
This article is a collaboration with Intellegens, the University of Cambridge and AstraZeneca. It provides a proof-of-concept study in which Cerella™ is used to predict rat in vivo pharmacokinetic (PK) parameters and concentration–time PK profiles.
In this study, we identified a new antimalarial with an unusual structure – the only compound in the competition to be proven active, opening up new chemistry for exploration.
In this article, the team demonstrates the application of Alchemite™, a deep learning imputation method which underpins our Cerella™ technology, to physicochemical and sensory data.
In this webinar, we discuss Alchemite™, a novel deep learning approach, and its application to optimising kinase profiling programmes. The…
OA paper outlining the practical applications of deep imputation on large-scale drug discovery data. It compares deep learning to traditional QSAR methods.
In this webinar, we described the generation and validation of a ‘global’ model using deep learning imputation on a data set of 300,000 compounds and 500 experimental endpoints, targeting global health indications.
We demonstrated how this global model can be applied to individual optimisation projects, offering improved compounds design performance over ‘local’ project-specific models by learning across a broad chemical diversity.
In this webinar, we demonstrate how Cerella™ (AI drug discovery software) highlights new opportunities and guides more efficient compound optimisation.
Learn how advances in informatics technology are inspiring a new generation of innovative products that streamline and enhance the efficiency and productivity of drug discovery software.
In this webinar we demonstrated how this new platform provides interactive access to deep learning imputation to extract more value…
We presented a case study in which Alchemite was applied to a data set comprising approximately 700,000 compounds and 1,000…
In this webinar you can hear how a combination of generative chemistry and deep learning has impacted the design of…
This article outlines practical applications of deep learning on drug discovery data. It introduces some of the research behind our…