Mcule Access from StarDrop
This script enables you to search the Mcule database for purchasable compounds, fetch pricing information, and start the quote generation process from StarDrop.…
Explore a few of our most popular integrations in a bit more detail.
Connect directly to CDD Vault, run saved searches against projects of your choice and return the results directly into StarDrop.
With seamless access to data saved within CDD Vault, you can access and run the searches you saved in CDD Vault directly from StarDrop. Choose the relevant vaults and projects to search, and return results pre-formatted ready for analysis, visualisation and design.
D360 provides scientific data integration, access, analysis, and visualisation capabilities for early discovery through to the preclinical and clinical phases of drug development. D360 solves both intra and inter-domain research challenges by integrating data from multiple source systems. From within StarDrop, you can link directly to D360, accessing your workspaces to pull data directly into StarDrop and guide your compound selection and design decisions. As a D360 user you can also push data straight into StarDrop and so whichever end you start from, the combined capabilities of D360 and StarDrop can easily be applied to every research decision.
Much of StarDrop’s customisation environment has been facilitated using Python. The StarDrop client scripting interface provides Python modules that give you direct control of the user interface and manipulation of data sets. You can use the Python modules from StarDrop’s built-in console (interactively) and through items selected from a customisable menu. To take advantage of StarDrop’s Card View® for visualising relationships between compounds, the scripting interface also enables you to create and specify your own layouts. If desired, StarDrop can be configured to run a script when launched from the command line.
Whether you have built custom, in-house models or are using predictive technologies from 3rd parties, StarDrop’s flexible model interface provides a front-end to work with all of your models in one place. Using a simple API to connect each model StarDrop can work with any models that take a structure as input and return numerical, categorical or text results. Created to provide easy customisation, you can quickly add predictive models that you have built or to which you have access via a command-line or web service interface.
Models can be accessed directly through the StarDrop desktop application or via a model server. On the server, you can control the way that model calculations are batched together and configure the number of molecules passed into the calculations in each batch. The StarDrop application can connect with one or more model servers, enabling you to organise your models to run most efficiently, and each model server can be configured to use multiple machines, CPUs or cores, so that you can add computational power where it is needed most.
Discover integrations to help you extend and tailor your StarDrop experience, including downloadable scripts, models, and screening collections.
This script enables you to search the Mcule database for purchasable compounds, fetch pricing information, and start the quote generation process from StarDrop.…
Version This script is for the latest version of StarDrop for either Windows or Mac. To find out which version you have…
Version This integration is available to use with the latest version of StarDrop (Windows and macOS). To find out which version…
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With its comprehensive suite of integrated software, StarDrop delivers best-in-class in silico technologies within a highly visual and user-friendly interface. StarDrop enables a seamless flow from the latest data through predictive modelling to decision-making regarding the next round of synthesis and research, improving the speed, efficiency, and productivity of the discovery process.