The property criteria below and in the accompanying MMV Antimalarial Scoring Profiles were developed in collaboration with Medicines for Malaria Ventures (MMV) and represent their criteria for prioritisation of compounds.

The MMV Library Design Profile allows for prioritization of unsynthesised (virtual) compounds. It uses six properties including alerts for undesirable substructures and common ‘drug-like’ properties.

The MMV Screening Active Profile includes the properties of the MMV Library Design Profile but also uses experimental data. It allows for prioritization of compounds which have activity data for the asexual blood stage of the plasmodium life cycle and cytotoxicity data.

MMV Library Design Profile
MMV Screening Active Profile

Downloadable files

MMV library design

Download MMV library design

MMV screen active profile

Download MMV screen active profile

Dundee Alerts model

The scoring profile uses structural alerts published in Brenk et al. ChemMedChem (2008) 3(3), pp 435-444, commonly known as the “Dundee Alerts”. You can download a model for StarDrop that calculates these alerts and instructions on how to use this are included in the notes mentioned above.

Download Dundee Alerts model

Scoring profile files

MMV library design

Download MMV library design

MMV screen active profile

Download MMV screen active profile

Dundee Alerts model

The scoring profile uses structural alerts published in Brenk et al. ChemMedChem (2008) 3(3), pp 435-444, commonly known as the “Dundee Alerts”. You can download a model for StarDrop that calculates these alerts and instructions on how to use this are included in the notes mentioned above.

Download Dundee Alerts model