A Fixed license is installed on a specific machine using the machine’s ID and governs which modules can be accessed from the StarDrop client on that device. Since a Fixed license requires the Machine ID, it cannot be used by another StarDrop client installed on a different device.

A Site License can be used by an unlimited number of concurrent users at a single site. It consists of a Key and Password combination that can be added to any StarDrop client to enable access to a particular module.

A Floating License requires StarDrop to contact a Floating License server to request a key each time you start the application. It consists of a Key and Password combination that is added to the StarDrop client and a license file (sls.conf) which is placed on the StarDrop License Server. The License Server manages access to a fixed number of concurrent users which is set by the number of seats associated with the floating license.

As an example, a site license for the Metabolism module would allow all StarDrop users in an organisation to use the Metabolism module at the same time, whereas a floating license would allow all users in an organisation to use the Metabolism module but only a set number of users will be able to use it concurrently. A fixed license for the Metabolism module would allow only a single user on a specific machine to use the module. The type of licenses can be mixed and matched to best meet your needs.

Please get in touch with info@optibrium.com if you have any questions.

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