Some compounds do take much longer than others and this is due in part to the number of possible conformations of the molecule. The regioselectivity and lability calculation for a molecule which can adopt many different conformations will take much longer than for a compound with only a few possible conformations.

While it is calculating, it will be labelled ‘Running’. However, there is a limit to the number of compounds that can be running at the same time. This is determined by the number of workers on the server.

A simple test would be to run the following compounds:



in the Metabolism module under ‘Predict P450 Metabolism’ or ‘Predict Metabolism’.

These should return results within a minute or two (for P450) or TBD (for Predict Metabolism). If not, or if these are also taking longer than 5 minutes to return results, then there might be something wrong on the server which is causing it to hang.

More metabolism resources