Everything that an user has been working on within StarDrop at any one time is part of a single project. When the user saves a project, all data sets, visualisations, dashboards, scoring profiles, summary analyses, functions, and Card View templates will be saved with the project enabling you, the user, to save, restore and share complete StarDrop sessions.

You can import items into your project that have been saved as part of another project by selecting Import From Project from the File menu. Select a project file from which to import and click Open.

This will display a list of items in the selected project. Tick the boxes next to those items which you would like to copy into your current project and click Import.

You can also save the data from a StarDrop Project (also to include the statistics for each value). From the File menu, choose Save Data Set As, and the Save As dialogue will appear. Specify the file name where prompted, choose the export file type, and click the Save button.

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