The first time you use the script you will need to install a new API token. To do this, click on the Custom Scripts > Manifold menu item and select Change Token. Tokens must be obtained directly from PostEra. If you do not already have a token, you can request one by clicking the Request Token button on the Manifold Token dialogue. This will take you to the request form. The token will authenticate you each time you use this script and will be remembered after you have used it the first time.
Please note, to use this script, you must have a Manifold account. Therefore, if you do not have a Manifold account, follow the link at the top of the request form, or click here to set up your Manifold account.
Once the token is set up, you can access all the features of the Manifold integration in the Custom Scripts > Manifold menu, including Fast Scores, Fast Alerts and Retrosynthetic Analyses.
Fast Synthetic Accessibility Score: calculate a score between 0 (good; easy to synthesise) and 1 (bad; difficult to synthesise) for all selected molecules. These scores are based on searching the molecules for structural features.
Fast Synthetic Accessibility Alert: alongside the Fast Synthetic Accessibility Score, you can get a categorical alert with a value of None (no potential synthesis issues identified), Low, Medium or High. For a compound where the alert status is not None, Manifold can provide an image that highlights the substructures that present particular problems for synthesis.
Retrosynthetic Analysis: Manifold conducts a deep search available building blocks, starting materials and potential reactions. This generates a retrosynthetic analysis score between 0 (good; easy to synthesise) and 1 (bad; difficult to synthesise), providing a more detailed view on the synthetic accessibility of your chosen compounds (up to 10 compounds can be searched at once). Follow the “Manifold link” hyperlink in the StarDrop data table to see the relevant page in Manifold, and click on the molecule diagram to generate the full Manifold analysis.