Hit to Lead Optimisation With the Aid of StarDrop

Apr 18, 2018

In this webinar Claire Le Manach and Tanya Paquet, (H3D, University of Cape Town) and Dominique Besson (MMV) described their research and the application of StarDrop to the discovery of new anti-malarials.


The not-for-profit and academic sectors have become important sources of novel drug candidates, particularly for neglected and developing world diseases or niche indications. Discovering new drugs in these sectors is even more challenging than in pharma for a number of reasons: challenging diseases, often affecting the developing word and with emerging resistance to current therapies; limited resources; and the need to manage complex data, often generated across large multi-centre collaborations.

In this context, the need to make good decisions regarding which compounds to synthesise and assays to perform is critical. In this webinar, Claire Le Manach described an anti-malarial project and how integrated cheminformatics and computational chemistry software helped to guide the design of new compounds with a better chance of downstream success.

To hear the narration, please increase your speaker volume.