

Webinar recording: Integrated AI synthesis prediction in drug discovery

Recording: 13 April 2023

To celebrate the new StarDrop and Manifold integration, Matt Segall (Optibrium, CEO), Aaron Morris (PostEra, CEO), Emily Ripka (PostEra, Head of Product) and Matt Robinson (PostEra, CTO) unite to discuss synthesis prediction in drug discovery workflows. Learn more about how AI, machine learning and other computational tools can support the discovery process, bringing you feasible synthetic routes to your target compounds.

In this webinar:

  • Watch live demonstrations of the Manifold synthesis prediction tool, Optibrium’s StarDrop drug discovery software, and their combined applications.
  • Discover more about synthesis prediction and synthesis-aware design for small molecule drug discovery.
  • Learn how AI tools can help identify effective synthetic routes as part of a seamlessly integrated data workflow.

If you have questions about any of the webinar content, or how StarDrop could work with your specific projects, please do get in touch.

Watch the webinar recording

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